Weekly Themed Webinars

Jennifer, nutrition specialist in New York, is your premier consultant for all fitness-related information, and we release a series of complimentary webinars to connect you with live trainers. Each webinar spans around 30 minutes, and has at least two professional trainers discussing a particular theme. Although the webinars are informal, they are structured well to help you concentrate on key learning points. You can see the trainers / fitness experts live on camera and also ask questions to them in real time.

How Do Our Webinars Help?

Each webinar from Jen is designed to inspire you about working out, and provide you with tips and strategies on how to exercise right. At times, it is only about reminding you the best wellness practices that you might already be aware of. At other times, you get to know some very effective exercise techniques that are ‘insider’ details, and shared by fitness experts for the first time.

The typical format of our webinars follows this structure:

  • Dilemma
  • Do’s and Don’ts
  • Routine Of The Week (Workout Recommendation for a theme)
  • Nutritional Guidelines, from nutrition specialist in New York, Jen
  • Takeaways
  • Q&A session

Even if you miss a live session, there is no need to fret as Jen is by your side for assistance. We upload all our webinars to our official website in Quicktime video format, and these are available for watching and download completely free of cost.

What Makes Our Webinars Outstanding?

Our webinars stand out due to the poll questions that they come with. These let the audience members to stay engaged and express their opinions on various light and serious fitness topics even while a webinar is continuing.

After you download a webinar to your computer or smart phone, you can view it for as many times as you want, and even share them. You can use the home page to sign up for a webinar. Just click on the slide for the webinar. Or you may also choose to follow to sign up for a webinar either on Twitter or Facebook. Our webinars are available for download and sharing at no cost, and you can enjoy the videos and refer to the tips for a lifetime.